If you are keen on improving your creative skills but do not have the time to attend classes, do not give up yet. You can achieve your dream by using online videos, tutorials, and courses- a simple and accessible alternative to classes. Here are some of the best sites for you.

Miss Led

Miss Led is a fashion illustration website launched and run by Joanna Henry, a London illustrator, and director. There are video tutorials of over two hours of learning organized into chapters. The basic structure of the chapters has three steps;

drawing a basic figure;

adding color; and

finishing with pencil and ink.

The online tutorial will cost you only £59.99 (US$77).

Art Tutor

If you are looking to master drawing and painting from your studio, art tutor is the right website for you. As a member of art tutor, you will have access to all videos which you can watch as many times as you wish. There are also specific courses covering pastels, watercolors, colored pencils, acrylics, and drawing. The monthly subscription fee is £14.59 (US$19). You can also choose a six month or yearly subscription options.

Virtual Instructor

The virtual instructor will also help you learn painting, drawing and digital artwork at your convenience. Unlike the rest of the sites above, there are plenty of free tutorials on the virtual instructor. However, for some courses, you will need to part with £14.64 (US$19) in monthly subscription fees. There are also yearly subscription options.



