There are superb programs available for free. These programs offer a realistic simulation of oils, watercolors, charcoal, pastels, and more. The software can work with either a mouse, stylus or touch screen but the stylus and touchscreen are easier to use because of the direct control over the painting tools.


MyPaint is software that was developed by Martin Renold. It is slightly different from other windows apps since its background is that of a Linux app. To achieve the best results, this software can be used with a graphics tablet, touch screen or any other input device. The software comes with customized brushes. It also has support for layers and a scratchpad that can be used for creating sketches. It also offers the users with an opportunity to access and install brush packages that other users have created.

Microsoft Paint 3D

Microsoft Paint 3D is a software that is part of Windows 10 Creator’s Update. It has a limited number of drawing tools which are used for scribbling on a flat canvas. What makes the software more interesting to use is the 3D objects button that once clicked, turns the drawing into a three dimensional model.


This painting software was developed by a team of artists who had an objective of creating highquality creative tools that could be accessible to everyone. This is the kind of software that is best fit for comics and manga. Besides the usual brushes, fills and pens, the software has perspective fillers, halftone filers and panel templates.

Other free painting software includes Artweaver free, Microsoft fresh paint, among others. These programs have made painting not only easier but interesting.
