Nowadays we have a lot of resources online. Consequently, it’s likely that you often forget to look to traditional mediums for inspiration and learning. Today I will discuss three books that will help you through all stages of your journey to studying digital painting.

Digital Painting Techniques: Practical Techniques of Digital Art Masters

This book will help you discover the techniques, tricks, and tips that work for artists, animators, and matte painters. It is a collection of tutorials by many talented digital painters. Each artist demonstrates his/her process using supporting imaginary and explains the techniques and steps they used to create their piece.

Beginner’s Guide to Digital Painting in Photoshop

Whether you’re looking to enhance existing skills or you’re a new to artistic medium, this book provides a wealth of advice and suggestions to get you started. It is recommended if you are a beginner. It lays the foundations of working with Photoshop tools and digital painting.

Sketching from the Imagination: An Insight into Creative Drawing

This book is ideal for people looking to enhance their artwork structure and enhance their creative process. The book has over 320 pages. In the book, expect to find talented traditional and digital artists showcasing their sketching process.
