Screen Shot 2016-08-06 at 5.22.50 PMSection seven and eight were the important sections. Section nine didn’t contain anything. In section seven and eight, I learned how to animate the spaceship moving in the terrain.

I needed to add a camera to record the action in the angle that I want the movie to be seen. The size of the camera doesn’t matter, because there is no difference with the way the user sees the animation. Creating the movie was very simple. Simply moving the spaceship by 50 frames, select the camera, and press the “s” button on the keyboard. After completing camera shots, you can change the quality and the form that you want to save the finished project.

The whole lecture was very amusing, and I will continue learning about Autodesk Maya for my coming years. The program itself was a “30 days free trial,” so I had to finish learning the basics and the project itself by today. I would strongly recommend to visit the website down below if you want to learn about Autodesk Maya.