
artist-ai-no-senshi-yo-digital-art-beginning-of-the-endWhen human found intelligence to communicate, language came into being. When humans thought of expressing themselves, art brought a medium they can use to portray them through thought process. Art has been there since the existence of mankind. Cave dwellers saw art in lines whereas we now see art through the lens of computers and evolving technology.

When technology meets art, digital art is formed. It includes the creation of sculptures, architectural designs, storytelling, smartphone and application designs, mathematical expressions and even the use of computer codes. Digital art harnesses the power of technology to form the future of art, bringing the artist inside us. Digital art saw its dawn in the 60s when John Whitney brought transformations in design through the use of mathematical functions, which in turn became the first computer generated graphics ever. The next evolution came in the 70s when artists were able to fully use the potential of Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) investments to project a distinct manipulation of graphics, art, and videos to form a path to human interactions never thought or imagined before.

With the passage of time, humans have seen art in the portray of cosmological wonders, to futuristic designs of travel. There are no boundaries towards how we develop art through the use of sophisticated pencil or develop animations in the graphical interchange format. We have seen art through the lens of wavelengths, small particles in science exploration, sculptures as well as digital books. Digital art has taken over classrooms, where students communicate with other students through designs that lead to abstract art and color patterns never imagined before. The holographic content or ability to view colors on our smartphones has all been possible through the relentless research and work in developing technology that is powering our artistic selves today. Hence, one should not be shy to call themselves an artist in the digital age, because everything from numbers to lines and even the dots that help connect points, have provided us the tools to transform the digital image we see of ourselves today.